Thursday, September 6, 2018


Dravyn's Birthday today.

My sugars were in the 200's despite insulin.

7am it was at 141.

Ate some salad, scrambled egg w/ 2 small pinches of cheese. Ketchup and creamy french.

Weight - 219  BP - 106/73 PS - 72

After food - 154  around 830

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


BS - up in 290, insulin, 274, between 3 and 7 am. Had a bowl of salad too.
Weight - 220
One serving of Slimfast - 7am
11am- 7 tortilla chips and 3 tbls salsa

Monday, September 3, 2018

Groundhog Day

Starting over, again!

8:30 am - BS=90.  Weight=218.  BP=129/73 P=72.  Last soda was around 1 am.  I am now having 2 servings of Slim  Fast.

10:30 am - going to go lay down.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Down 5lbs!  Yeay!!!

Up at 7.  @ servings of slim fast. BS was 159

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


OK.  New new post. Had had a bit of salad, Italian dressing, parm cheese.   At 5 am BS was 112.  Going with that. Starting at 220 lbs.  Sadness :( .  I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I want to be able to cut my toenails.
I do not want to sweat and stink.
I do not want to be FAT.
I DO NOT want to get sick again.
I DO NOT want another back surgery.
I DO NOT want to lose my feet.
I want to live to see my grand kids grow up.
No more soda.  It jacks up my BS.  Testing crystal light to see if it does the same.  It is currently 5:14 am.
6:30 BS was 146 after drinking crystal light.  So maybe not as bad as a can of diet soda ( from 89 to 154)  so no too, stick with water.  Having some salad, good seasons Italian dressing and parm cheese.
10 am BS 120 ! No insulin so far yet.

12pm  Tuna no bread

330 pm  Tested twice.  192 and then 203.  Took 20 units and 7 units.  Off to the store.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


bs 95 around 7.  tuna no bread.  bs 185 around 9,  8hum/10 lan) trien going back to bed but rls,

no soda yeaterday, none starting the day today

highest bs was 209 so far at 5pm. only slimfast and a salad so far.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


My BS was down to 116. Eating corn on the cob @ 430 am.

I think i was about 165 earlier before noon.  Mcds breakfast around noon.

Found the two phone stylis' under the bed.

Wrote a little on my story.

Making macaroni salad.

It is 2 pm right now.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I SUCK. I have gained so much weight. Just weighed. 222. And I am so swollen. I hate that cause every doctor is blowing me off. It is 1:18 am and I'm having a can of diet soda. What has to happen for me to hit rock bottom. The do It neuropathy is bad. I think I will call Dr Tach and ask for blood test just to make sure.  Not tracking blood sugar very well either thus last month or two. FUCK 

2:21 am  BS  190. Took 10 more units.  BP 152/91 pulse 69.  Went back to statin  for kidney protection.  May start benazapril again.

8am - 1131  Got BS down to 95. Ate celery and a soda. To 134.  had a good counselor session.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Had blood sugar to 109 this morning.  Had a glass of juiced juice. It's been about an hour. Gonna go check.  Blood Sugar was 148.  Took 34 units Lantis (all that was left in pen) and 6 units Humalog.  Hungry, tho, so going to eat something. (9:18 am).  By 940 salad, chick patty, shredded cheese, to dressing.   10:21 BS was 185. 10 units humalog. Macaroni salad.  11am cramps then 2 big poops. Corn out.  lol.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Since my last post I have enjoyed all kids of food I should not be eating.  By last night I was huge feeling bloated.  Blood sugar is still out of whack despite insulin.  So at 315 am was at 457.  So I have had a piece of celery and carrot and hummus.  My goal is to not eat.  Much.  Sitting here watching er.  Want to do a bit of typing.  420.  Gonna go lay back down.  Having a hard time focusing my eyes.
Woke at 10. BS was 80.  Had some romaine with 1000 island. Celery with hummus. Macaroni Salad.  Protein bar.

At 1245 BS was 322. Took insulin. Went laid down.

At 454, so far, 2 carrot sticks, one celery stick, 1 protein bar, 1 slice sourdough, romaine, some hummus and 1000 island dressing.

Monday, June 4, 2018

1) Penny

My new blog.

Our children will be smart and beautiful.

Not to mention imaginary. 

Much like my weight loss!


2) Bazinga

Check List
1) 8 glasses of water
2) No soda
3) No fast food
4) More prep means less TV
5) Exercise
      • treadmill
      • sit & be fit
6) One Celery a day
7) One Carrot a day
8) Sitting = production - TV
9) Do one productive thing ie-dishes, laundry
10) Monitor Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure
11) Take meds consistently

8:44 am - weight 206. Down from 209. Haven't taken insulin or checked BS since early yesterday. Will check later. Going to lay back down.