Monday, June 18, 2018


Since my last post I have enjoyed all kids of food I should not be eating.  By last night I was huge feeling bloated.  Blood sugar is still out of whack despite insulin.  So at 315 am was at 457.  So I have had a piece of celery and carrot and hummus.  My goal is to not eat.  Much.  Sitting here watching er.  Want to do a bit of typing.  420.  Gonna go lay back down.  Having a hard time focusing my eyes.
Woke at 10. BS was 80.  Had some romaine with 1000 island. Celery with hummus. Macaroni Salad.  Protein bar.

At 1245 BS was 322. Took insulin. Went laid down.

At 454, so far, 2 carrot sticks, one celery stick, 1 protein bar, 1 slice sourdough, romaine, some hummus and 1000 island dressing.

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