Thursday, July 26, 2018


My BS was down to 116. Eating corn on the cob @ 430 am.

I think i was about 165 earlier before noon.  Mcds breakfast around noon.

Found the two phone stylis' under the bed.

Wrote a little on my story.

Making macaroni salad.

It is 2 pm right now.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I SUCK. I have gained so much weight. Just weighed. 222. And I am so swollen. I hate that cause every doctor is blowing me off. It is 1:18 am and I'm having a can of diet soda. What has to happen for me to hit rock bottom. The do It neuropathy is bad. I think I will call Dr Tach and ask for blood test just to make sure.  Not tracking blood sugar very well either thus last month or two. FUCK 

2:21 am  BS  190. Took 10 more units.  BP 152/91 pulse 69.  Went back to statin  for kidney protection.  May start benazapril again.

8am - 1131  Got BS down to 95. Ate celery and a soda. To 134.  had a good counselor session.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Had blood sugar to 109 this morning.  Had a glass of juiced juice. It's been about an hour. Gonna go check.  Blood Sugar was 148.  Took 34 units Lantis (all that was left in pen) and 6 units Humalog.  Hungry, tho, so going to eat something. (9:18 am).  By 940 salad, chick patty, shredded cheese, to dressing.   10:21 BS was 185. 10 units humalog. Macaroni salad.  11am cramps then 2 big poops. Corn out.  lol.